Solar Fire Version 9 contains something for everyone. For advanced astrologers and professionals, it has a great variety of high-precision astrological calculations, and an exceptional degree of user-customisation. For novices, its innovative point-and-click chart interpretations provide an enjoyable way to learn, and its many easily-explored options are an invitation to experiment with new techniques.
Take your pick from a range of high quality page layouts or design your own page complete with unique wheels with your own layout and colour schemes, your own report design, and even your own logo.
Solar Fire capabilities include natal, progression, directed, any planet or asteroid return, pre-natal, rising/setting, lunar phase, locality, heliocentric, composite, harmonic and harmonic arc transform charts and much more . . . .
Produce elegant, visual time graphs. At the click of a button your transits and progressions appear as a graphic time map.
Solar Fire Version 9 covers many schools, styles and areas of astrology including:
Predictive Astrology: (with a full range of progressed, directed and return charts and dynamic listings) as well as a linear time map, graphic ephemeris and transit text reports.
Relationships Astrology: (with synastry text reports, synastry aspect grids, positions from two charts sorted together in various types of lists, combined charts of two to 15 people, Davison relationship charts and coalescent charts).
Classical and Horary Astrology: with almutens, term directions, traditional square charts, Arabic lunar mansions, profections-planetary hour and day, chart hylegs, Alcabitius Houses, planetary sect, firdaria and primary directions, user-editable Arabic parts, and the unique ability to score dignities and calculate single or compound almutens.
Cosmobiology and Uranian Astrology: (with dials and pointers, modulus sorts, midpoints trees and listings, dial printouts, trans-neptunian planets, the Vernal Point, Ebertin-style medical degree interpretations, transits to midpoints in the graphic ephemeris and an Arabic parts section that can be adapted for other types of A+B+C sensitive points).
Esoteric Astrology: with ray interpretations for the planets, esoteric and hierarchical rulerships, E.H. Bailey and Jayne pre-natal charts, and esoteric planets and points, 45 asteroids and access to potentially hundreds more.
Locational Astrology: with new world mapping features, relocated, Johndro and Geodetic charts, and links to the comprehensive astro-locality program, Solar Maps.
Vedic Astrology: with North Indian and South Indian square charts, dasas, bhuktis, Hindu Bhava Houses, Fagan Allen and Lahiri Zodiacs.
Click on ‘Features, System Requirements, Sample Charts’ tab above
to see a full list of Solar Fire features and other useful information.
(Click here to view system requirements.)
NEW: Aspect highlighting and filtering
Aspect highlighting and filtering is now available on displayed and animated wheels, grids and aspect lists. You can highlight applying and separating aspect lines. You can filter by applying and separating aspects, percentage of maximum orb, absolute maximum orb, aspect harmonic, individual aspect and chart point. You can also filter by aspect patterns including T-squares, Grand Trines, Grand Crosses, Yods, Kites, Mystic Rectangles, the Star of David, Thor¹s Hammer, the Diamond, Rosetta, Hele and others.
NEW: Solar Live
With a click of a button you can instantly access astrology and software information. The power of information technology has been harnessed in this exciting NEW feature. Solar Live provides access (in your default browser) to the latest news and links posted online. Solar Live includes: Charts in the News, Events and Workshops, Tips and Tricks, Astrology Tutorials and an On-line Reference Library.
NEW: Aspect Line Control
Now you have the ability to display separating aspect lines as dotted lines. This is a truly excellent feature, both in creating birth charts, so that you can see which energies are culminating in this life (i.e. the applying aspect lines) and which are declining in intensity (the dotted, separating lines.)
But in Solar Fire's superlative animation module, this feature really shines. Here you can watch -- in a bi-wheel -- transiting planets move around a natal chart, and now immediately see when they have passed exact aspect, because the lines become dotted!
You also now have the ability to make aspect lines become thicker when the aspect is closer to exact (i.e. as the orb is smaller). Several programs already have thick lines for strong aspects and thin lines for weak aspects, but Solar Fire offers the most flexibility in determining how thick the lines should be as the orb tightens.
Extra chart points: Now you can view your own fixed points in a second chart ring—Arabic Parts, Fixed Stars, Asteroids and more.
Chart Points: Chart points include all planets, lunar nodes (true or mean), the Ascendant, Midheaven, Chiron, Part of Fortune (day or day/night formula), Vertex, East Point, and a selection of trans-neptunians and asteroids. Selectable aspects are any from the 1st to the 12th Harmonic inclusive, with graphical glyphs and colours for each one.
Chart Reports: Choose from an array of reports ranging from a simple chart or aspects report to the more complicated horary, fixed stars, arabic parts, mid-point and esoteric reports—to name only a few!
E-Mail Your Charts: You can Email your Solar Fire charts with ease. Simply click on the chart Email button and Solar Fire will help you send your chart as a graphic, chart file or as text with chart comments (requires MAPI compliant email program such as Microsoft Outlook or Eudora).
Chart viewing: You can simply click on the chart list to view a single chart on its own or explore the wealth of wheels, bi-wheels, tri-wheels and quadri-wheels for displaying combinations of two or more charts. And don't forget the synastry grids, points and zodiac sign glyphs in a range of colours.
NEW: Chart Preview
Solar Fire also features a NEW Chart Preview option that allows you to quickly preview charts as wheels as you browse your chart files.
NEW: Life Events
You now have the ability to store unlimited life events for each natal chart. You can use these life events with subsidiary charts and in the animation module. Life events may be imported from and exported to chart files. Exploring astrology across a life time has never been so easy!
Animated chart: Step your charts through time with ease. Fix your base chart, select your surrounding charts and away you go. You can select natal, transit, progressed, solar arc, directed and annual profection charts. You can even step through a page of your topic! Watch the aspects, dignities, stars, Arabic, parts, rays, transits, progressions, directions, modulus and more change before your eyes. All at a click of a button.
A Pageant of Pages: Take your pick from a range of high quality page layouts or design your own page complete with unique wheels with your own colour schemes, glyph styles, choice of chart elements, report styles, and even your own logo. You can find or create a page to suit your needs whether you are a horary, medieval, psychological or esoteric astrologer! Astrological publishing has never been this easy.
Here are some sample charts showing a few of the many possible wheel styles. Click on the left column chart name to view the screen view of the chart, or the right column name to view the printable pdf version:
Graphic ephemeris: Elegant, visual time graphs making the most of the Windows environment. At a click of a button your transits and progressions appear as a graphic time map. Both you and your clients will love the colourful simplicity.
Eclipse Search: Search for lunar and solar eclipses from 2000BC to 3000AD. Match them to your natal chart. Search for Saros series. This unique tool gives you the flexibility to explore the wonderful world of eclipses.
NEW: Powerful Search
Solar Fire Version 9 now includes a powerful chart search capability using a wide range of astrological criteria and chart data criteria with Boolean logic, on an unlimited number of chart files. You can display a wheel preview as well as various other sort/copy/email/print functions on lists of matching charts. All of your search criteria can be saved! You can also search through time with our new Time Search facility. This powerful time search capability also uses a wide range of astrological criteria and chart data criteria with Boolean logic. This is ideal for the mundane or electional astrologer.
Astrological Clock: View the current clock in chart form and watch your displayed point tick through time.
Asteroids: 1000+ asteroids are included in Solar Fire Version 9, as well as the ability to link up with thousands more, available for free.
NEW: Vedic features
North Indian and South Indian square charts, dasas and bhuktis and now the NEW Nakshaktras. You can also calculate NEW ayanamsas Sri Yukteshwar, JN Bhasin, Larry Ely, Takra I, Takra II.
NEW: Chinese Astrology
Are you a Rabbit or a Dog? Now you can see for yourself with our NEW Chinese Lunar Year information! Also you can calculate the Chinese Lunar Mansions.
NEW: Age Harmonics
Now you can precisely calculate an age harmonic chart to interpret and research specific life events. This technique continues to grow in popularity.
Page Topic Index: Now you can select pages related to your specialist topic. View your favourite pages from our wide selection. Basic astrology, Classical, Cosmobiology, Esoteric, Grids, Horary, Multi-wheels and more . . .
Primary Directions Plus: Solar Fire Version 9 comes with a variety of progression and direction methods. You can also explore the world of primary directions with Ptolemy's method and the NEW van Dam primary directions method.
Chart Data: 500 charts of internationally famous people are bundled with Solar Fire Version 9 in the Clifford Data Compendium. UK astrologer and data collector Frank Clifford has collated these accurate charts. Plus 350 Australian charts are also featured in an Australian Chart Collection. This is your opportunity to obtain accurate data for your reference.
Planetarium: Watch the celestial sphere appear before your very eyes. A unique method to rediscover the ancient realm of the Fixed Stars. Plus text for 50 stars by Bernadette Brady, Author of Brady's Book of Fixed Stars, and co-author of JigSaw, the astrology program for rectification, research and family patterns.
Linear Time Maps: Transform your dynamic reports into colourful time maps. Select your own planets, aspects and time span and watch the map appear.
NEW! Interpretation Reports including Progression Text: Easy-to-read interpretations can be produced for your birth chart, your future trends and now your relationships! Written by renowned astrologer Stephanie Johnson this text provides an ideal introduction to different concepts of astrology. You can learn more about astrology by reading the reports or give natal, transit, and synastry reports to friends, family and clients.
The Astrologer's Assistant: What a little Wizard! This wonderful new feature makes the astrology practitioner's job a breeze. This unique tool enables you to record your tasks as you work. Once recorded all you have to do is click on your assistant's record button and the software will do the job for you. Natal charts, Solar returns, Progressions, Transits—whatever you have recorded—all whiz before your eyes with one click of the mouse. This feature has to be seen to be believed!
Dials plus… Enjoy the range of Cosmobiology Dials with rotating pointers. Designed for ease-of-use these pointers are a bonus for astrologers. Cosmobiologists can also feast on a range of techniques such as new Transits to Midpoints and transiting Midpoints both in the dynamic report and the Graphic Ephemeris. The Munkasey Midpoint Weighting Analysis report has been added to the midpoint features.
Atlases: Your own geographical database at your fingertips—now improved. Solar Fire version 9 comes with both a built-in ACS Atlas with more than 250,000 places, longitudes, latitudes and time zones, and Solar Fire's own atlas including more than 37,000 places around the world. The atlases give up-to-date time zone changes. You can also add your own places.
Astrolocality mapping: Solar Fire includes FULL MAPPING features (previously known as Solar Maps). All of the features of Solar Maps have been included in Solar Fire including the Relocation reports, the Zoom facility and more . . .
Solar Fire Computer Requirements
Software Requirements:
- Solar Fire v9 will run on all current Microsoft-supported versions of Windows including Windows 8, 10 and 11 (except as noted below). Older versions of Windows are NOT recommended.
- Windows 8 RT and Windows 10S do NOT run Solar Fire V9. (see advisory notes below). . . But Windows 11 as well as other Windows 10 and Windows 8 versions work perfectly well!
Advisory Notes:
- Windows 8 RT is a discontinued mobile operating system developed by Microsoft. It is an edition of Windows 8.x built for the 32-bit ARM architecture.
- Windows 10S can only run apps downloaded from the Windows store and not third party applications like Solar Fire®. Most computers running Windows 10 are equipped with Windows 10 Home or Pro version - or have upgraded to Windows 11 - so this shouldn't be an issue for most people. On the off chance that your computer uses Windows 10S, you will need to upgrade to Windows 10/11 Home or Pro versions in order to run Solar Fire.
Hardware Requirements:
- PC or compatible computer with Intel processor (or equivalent)
- USB drive if you order a USB stick (downloadable version also available)
- Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11: 1 GB RAM minimum, 2 GB of RAM or more recommended.
- About 200 MB of free disk space for a full installation.
- SVGA Screen with 800x600 pixels minimum, XGA with 1024x768 pixels or better is recommended; 10-inch screen or larger recommended.
- Internet access is recommended.