Five Flower Remedy – Dr. Bach’s ‘rescue’ combination

Five Flower Remedy is Dr Bach’s shock recovery combination, traditionally referred to as ‘rescue remedy’. For use in any sudden shock, stress or injury.

Five Flower Remedy – Dr. Bach’s ‘rescue’ combination

Five Flower Remedy is Dr Bach’s shock recovery combination, traditionally referred to as ‘rescue remedy’. For use in any sudden shock, stress or injury.

Five Flower Remedy (Dr. Bach’s ‘rescue’ flower essence combination)

5-Flower Remedy in the Healing Herbs range, is a unique combination of five of the Bach flower essences and is designed to address any kind of sudden state of shock, stress or injury. The component flower remedies are: Cherry Plum for loss of control, Clematis for unconsciousness (which may be slight or severe), Impatiens for stress, Rock Rose for terror, and Star of Bethlehem for shock.
Dr. Bach’s ‘rescue’ combination is easily the most popular of all of the flower remedies as it is especially helpful for the bumps and shocks sometimes experienced by children at play, and is therefore usually kept in a conspicuous and accessible place in the home. It can also be easily carried on the person for any emergency while away from home.
As 5-Flower Remedy, it is precisely the same as the original rescue formula and like all Healing Herbs flower remedies it is prepared in full strength organic brandy.
Weight N/A


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