Anthroposophy Books:
Esoteric Studies: G – Z

Anthroposophy Books:
Esoteric Studies: G – Z

(for more product details, please click on the book title or book image in the listing below.)

Geographic Medicine and the Secret of the Double - Rudolf Steiner
Geographic Medicine and the Secret of the Double

Two lectures by Rudolf Steiner

Geographic Medicine and the Secret of the Double is a translation of De Erkenntnis des Uebersinnlichen und die menschlichen Seelenraetsel. Das Geheimnis des Doppelgaengers. Geographische Medizin. These lectures were published in 1966 by the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung in Dornach, Switzerland in the volume entitled Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seele des Menschen (Bibliographie-Nr. l78).
This second Mercury Press edition is thoroughly revised by Alice Wulsin from the most recent German edition. It includes portions that were omitted in earlier editions. Cover form by Rudolf Steiner.
These lectures also comprise lectures 1 and 2 of the edition: Secret Brotherhoods and the Mystery of the Human Double by Rudolf Steiner (Rudolf Steiner Press).
Mercury Press
Trans: revised by Alice Wulsin
2 lectures, St. Gallen, 15 - 16 Nov. 1917, GA178
61pp; paperback
ISBN: 0-936132-06-X
The Gospel of John - Rudolf Steiner
The Gospel of John - Rudolf Steiner

12 lectures by Rudolf Steiner

In The Gospel of John lectures, Rudolf Steiner lays the foundation for a renewed understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha. He describes the John Gospel as not just a book of instruction but a force that can become active within our souls. He also regards it as the culmination of all the Gospels as it penetrates to the very heart of what Christ, the Logos, is for humanity and for world evolution.
Steiner Books
12 lectures, Hamburg 18-31 May 1908, CW 103
Translated by Maud B. Monges
252 pages; 235mm x 152mm; pb
ISBN: 9781621482703
The Holy Grail - by Rudolf Steiner
The Holy Grail

The Quest for the Renewal of the Mysteries
by Rudolf Steiner

Excerpts from Rudolf Steiner's lectures and writings: From the Mysteries to Christianity; Death and Resurrection in Ancient Egypt - the Miracle of Initiation; The Mystery of Golgotha; The Mystery of the Higher Ego - the Holy Grail; The Grail and the Spiritual Evolution of Humanity; The Gnostic Crisis and the Loss of the Mysteries; Stages of Evolution - Archaic Clairvoyance; The Role of the Mysteries; The Secret of Evolution.
One copy remaining. Now out of print so will not be replaced.
Trans: revised by C. von Arnim
96pp; paperback
ISBN: 9781855840744
The Incarnation of Ahriman - Rudolf Steiner
The Incarnation of Ahriman

The Embodiment of Evil on Earth
7 selected lectures by Rudolf Steiner

The Incarnation of Ahriman comprises seven selected lectures by Rudolf Steiner in which he describes the impending incarnation of the Mephistophelian being, Ahriman, whose arrival is being prepared for through the blind acceptance of materialism and the all-pervasive spread of its offspring, technology.
Rudolf Steiner Press
7 lectures given between October & December 1919 from GA 191, 193, 194, 195
116pp; paperback
ISBN: 9781855841789
Karmic-Relationships - Volume 1 - Rudolf Steiner
Karmic Relationships - Volume 1

12 lectures by Rudolf Steiner

This first volume in Rudolf Steiner's Karmic Relationships series is an essential foundation for the study of the later volumes. In these lectures, Rudolf Steiner gives an overview of the laws and conditions of karma, and goes on to consider the incarnations of Friedrich Nietzsche, Lord Bacon of Verulam, Lord Byron, as well as many others.
Rudolf Steiner Press
12 lectures, Dornach, 16 Feb - 23 Mar 1924, GA235
Trans: G. Adams, rev. M. Cotterell, C. Davy, & D. S. Osmond
205pp; paperback
ISBN: 9781855842670
Karmic-Relationships - Volume 2 - Rudolf Steiner
Karmic Relationships - Volume 2

16 lectures by Rudolf Steiner

In Karmic Relationships Volume 2, Steiner considers individual karmic relationships in history — for example, Marx and Engels — as well karma in human life, the shaping of karma after death, and the 'cosmic form' of karma.
Rudolf Steiner Press
16 lectures, Dornach, 6 Apr - 29 Jun 1924, GA236
Trans: G. Adams, rev. M. Cotterell, C. Davy, & D. S. Osmond
256pp; paperback
ISBN: 9781855845206
Karmic-Relationships - Volume 3 - Rudolf Steiner
Karmic Relationships - Volume 3

11 lectures by Rudolf Steiner

In Karmic Relationships Volume 3, Rudolf Steiner discusses the karmic relationships within the anthroposophical movement, including the predispositions which lead souls to anthroposophy, the two streams within the movement — plus Rosicrucianism, Arabism, Aristotelianism, the Platonists and the School of Michael.
Rudolf Steiner Press
11 lectures, Dornach 1 July - 8 Aug 1924, GA237
Trans: George Adams, D.S. Osmond
182pp; paperback
ISBN: 9781855842168
Karmic-Relationships - Volume 4 - Rudolf Steiner
Karmic Relationships - Volume 4

11 lectures by Rudolf Steiner

In this fourth volume of the series, Steiner considers the karmic groups of souls connected to Aristotelianism and Platonism, the karma of the anthroposophical movement, as well as the individual incarnations of Ernst Haeckel, Vladimir Solovioff and others. This new edition also includes Steiner's last address.
Rudolf Steiner Press
11 lectures, Dornach 5-24 Sept 1924, GA238
Trans: G. Adams, C. Davy, & D. S. Osmond
173pp; paperback
ISBN: 9781855845381
Microcosm and Macrocosm - Rudolf Steiner
Macrocosm And Microcosm

The Greater and the Lesser World
Questions Concerning the Soul, Life and the Spirit
12 lectures by Rudolf Steiner

The human being’s life alternates between the great outer macrocosm and the hidden inner microcosm. Steiner discusses the different paths of development that lead to crossing these two thresholds and the transformation of different soul-forces into spiritual organs of perception.
Rudolf Steiner Press
Trans. by P. King; Intro. by P. King
Twelve lectures, 19–31 March 1910, Vienna, GA 119
298pp; 23.3 x 15.6 cm; pb
ISBN: 9781855845893
Secret Brotherhoods and the Mystery of the Human Double - Rudolf Steiner
Secret Brotherhoods and the Mystery of the Human Double

Seven lectures by Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner speaks of the secret brotherhoods who manipulate world events, and of the mysterious human double, the existence of which has only been known to occultists until Steiner's descriptions in these and other lectures.
Rudolf Steiner Press
7 lectures; St. Gallen, Zurich, Dornach; 6-25 Nov 1917; CW 178
220pp; paperback
ISBN: 9781855841628