Anthroposophy Books
Alphabetical: C

Anthroposophy Books
Alphabetical: C

(for more product details, please click on the book title or book image in the listing below.)

Caesars and Apostles - by Emil Bock
Caesars and Apostles - Hellenism, Rome and Judaism

by Emil Bock

Investigations into the origins of Christianity continue to exert a fascination beyond the confines of professional theologians and New Testament scholars. In this major study, Emil Bock provides a fascinating and unusual perspective on the cultural and political milieu in existence at the time of the emergence of Christianity.
Floris Books
368pp; hardback
ISBN: 0 86315 273 2
Calendar of the Soul - Rudolf Steiner
Calendar of the Soul

The Year Participated
52 meditative verses by Rudolf Steiner

In listening and sensing the inner language of nature in the course of a year, we can rediscover something of our essential human nature; for we as human beings are intimately related to all that goes on within the spiritual forces behind the changing face of nature and take part, albeit unconsciously, in these inner changes throughout the course of the year.
Sophia Books
Translation  by Owen Barfield; GA 40
60pp; small format booklet (10 x 13.5 cm)
ISBN: 9781855841888
Calendar of the Soul - 1912-1913 - Rudolf Steiner
Calendar of the Soul 1912-1913

Facsimile edition of the original 1912 book
by Rudolf Steiner

This edition of the Calendar of the Soul was the original written by Rudolf Steiner and was illustrated under his direction by Imma von Eckhardstein with new images of the Zodiac as well as other evolutionary images. This edition also includes Steiner's own preliminary sketches and oral explanations of them.
Steiner Books
Translation by Christopher Bamford
Illustrations by Imma von Eckhardstein
160pp; paperback; GA 40
ISBN 9780880105347
The Challenge of the Times - Rudolf Steiner
The Challenge of the Times

6 lectures by Rudolf Steiner

In these lectures, given just days after the end of World War I, Steiner describes the new developments in mechanics, politics, and economy, as well as new capacities and methods in the West and the East. He reveals their fruitful potentials, but also the dangers of their abuse. He discusses social and antisocial instincts, spectres of the Old Testament in the nationalism of the present, and the innate capacities of various nations.
6 lectures, Dornach 29 Nov to 8 Dec 1918, GA186
Trans: O. D. Wannamaker
218pp; paperback
ISBN: 9780910142830
The Childhood of Jesus - Emil Bock
The Childhood of Jesus

The Unknown Years
by Emil Bock

One copy in stock. Then out of print.
Emil Bock explores the conflicting accounts of the Annunciation, birth and early years of Jesus, especially in the Matthew and Luke Gospels, shedding light on this paradox by examining early Christian traditions of 2 Jesus boys growing up in Nazareth.
This volume also includes two of the apocryphal gospels - the Pseudo-­Matthew and the Arabic gospel - which illustrate the twofold character of the Jesus boys.
Floris Books
318pp; paperback
ISBN: 978 086315 619 9
The Child's Changing Consciousness - by Rudolf Steiner
The Child's Changing Consciousness

As the Basis of Pedagogical Practice
8 lectures by Rudolf Steiner

Using language that any teacher or parent can understand, Steiner goes into the essentials of Waldorf educational philosophy, providing many examples and anecdotes to convey his meaning. In this way, against the background of the developing child, he allows the curriculum and the method of teaching to emerge as the common sense conclusion of practical experience.
8 lectures, Dornach 15-22 April 1923, GA306
Trans: R. Everett
232pp; paperback
ISBN: 9780880104104
Colour - by Rudolf Steiner

12 lectures by Rudolf Steiner

This volume constitutes the most comprehensive compilation in English of Steiner's insights into the nature of color, painting, and artistic creativity in general.
It is an invaluable source for artists and therapists, as well as anyone interested in gaining a greater appreciation of art as a revelation of spiritual realities.
12 lectures, Dornach 1914-24, GA291
Trans: J. Salter & P. Wehrle
224pp; paperback
ISBN: 9781855840850
Community Life, Inner Development, Sexuality, and the Spiritual Teacher - Rudolf Steiner
Community Life, Inner Development, Sexuality, and the Spiritual Teacher

Ethical and Spiritual Dimensions of the Crisis in the Anthroposophical Society in Dornach, 1915
7 lectures by Rudolf Steiner

This collection of lectures contains Steiner's strongest statements on the issues of human relationships in a spiritual community such as the Anthroposophical Society. Occasioned by an unfortunate "scandal" involving people influenced by psychoanalysis, these lectures present Steiner's comprehensive assessment of Freud's work and of psycho­analysis as a whole.
7 lectures plus documents, Dornach 1915, GA253
Trans. C. E. Creeger
192pp; paperback
ISBN: 0 88010 354 X